What is the Ostrogorski Centre?
The Ostrogorski Centre is a private, non-profit organisation dedicated to analysis and policy advocacy on problems which Belarus faces in its transition to market economy and the rule of law. Its work is nonpartisan and dedicated to achieving practical results.
The Centre is named after Moisei Ostrogorski (1854-1921) - a prominent Belarusian political scientist, politician, legal history scholar and historian who greatly contributed to the study of political and legal systems in transition from autocracy. (More about Moisiei Ostrogorski).
The last decades have seen rapid transition of Belarus in all kinds of fields -- from business environment to religion, education and security. Globalisation and internet have not left Belarus alone. Ironically, think tanks remain largely national initiatives, rooted in the views of one country. With its multinational and comparative outlook Ostrogorski Centre breaks the pattern.
Educated at the world's leading universities, the centre's experts have cultivated the culture and technical skills required to deliver Western-style analysis.
Our deep roots and knowledge of the language and culture required to address various analytical and training tasks. And our culture of openness and broad scope of expertise enable us to navigate complexity across issues, topics and borders with ease.
The mission of the Ostrogorski Centre is to contribute to better understanding of transition processes in Belarus and learn from experience of other countries. We conduct research which requires multinational outlook and engage in areas where demand cannot be fully met by the domestically trained specialists.
What is Our Mission?
The Centre aims to promote reforms and thinking which helps the economy become more competitive, governance more efficient and integrate Belarusian scholars and analysts in pan-European and global media and networks of scholars.
The Ostrogorski Centre welcomes contributions from its alumni and new authors.